Evaluator is inspired by bytebeat, a “genre” of music discovered by viznut, which he documented in several youtube videos.
Evaluator’s approach, however, is not purist, and its language is not C. The language contains much of the same syntax, most of the operators, and the same operator precedence, but introduces some additional features that make generating musical sounds a little bit easier and also make real-time MIDI control of the program possible. It also includes several built-in presets that demonstrate all the language features, supports save/load to fxp, and loading a program from a plain text file.
It is available as a standalone application, VST, VST3, or AU for Windows and macOS.
Damien Quartz – Programming and Design
Melodizer works like an analog sequencer where each step in the sequence is controlled by a column of knobs. However, rather than having a Pitch and Gate knob for each step, Melodizer’s main knob is Probability. At each step you can control the probability that it will play a note when that step is activated. The actual pitch played will depend on the chosen Key, Scale, Octave, and Range. At each step you can also control how the note is panned, set the velocity, and shape the amplitude envelope of the note using ADSR knobs (attack, decay, sustain, release).
It is available as a standalone application, VST, VST3, or AU for Windows and macOS.
Damien Quartz – Programming and Design
Spectral Harp
SpectralHarp lets you strum the sound spectrum in various ways by giving you a set of strings that activate different frequencies depending on how you configure them. You can choose the portion of the sound spectrum you want to strum as well as how many strings to display from that portion. There are additional knobs for Pitch, Decay, and Crush, which allow you to further modify the sound.
It is available as a standalone application, VST, VST3, or AU for Windows and macOS. The standalone version also supports controlling parameters with MIDI: simply right-click on a control, select MIDI Learn, and then twiddle a knob on your connected device to map it to that control.
Damien Quartz – Programming and Design
WaveShaper for iPad

WaveShaper is an audio synthesis app that lets you control a unique sound generating algorithm using a large XY controller. Use two fingers to control four parameters in real-time. This app is full of surprises and will create sounds unlike any you might create in a typical sound design plugin! For more info, sound samples, video, and screenshots, visit waveshaperapp.com. WaveShaper is no longer available on the App Store, but I hope to release a version for desktop soon.
Damien Di Fede – Programming and Design
Bobby Arlauskas – Presets and Sound Design
Amanda Williams – Visual Design
Body Heat
An app for iOS devices that allows you to control the speed and intensity of an attached OhMiBod vibrator using the touchscreen. The image above was procedurally generated based on user input. The app was purchased by OhMiBod and is now available on the App Store as OhMiBod Remote.
Amanda Williams – Art
Damien Di Fede – Programming, Sound
Heather Kelley – Design