Uses of Interface

Packages that use AudioStream

Uses of AudioStream in ddf.minim

Methods in ddf.minim that return AudioStream
 AudioStream Minim.getInputStream(int type, int bufferSize, float sampleRate, int bitDepth)
          Get the input as an AudioStream that you can read from yourself, rather than wrapped in an AudioInput that does that work for you.

Constructors in ddf.minim with parameters of type AudioStream
AudioInput(AudioStream stream, AudioOut out)
          Constructs an AudioInput that subscribes to stream and can control the DataLine that stream is reading from.

Uses of AudioStream in ddf.minim.javasound

Methods in ddf.minim.javasound that return AudioStream
 AudioStream JSMinim.getAudioInput(int type, int bufferSize, float sampleRate, int bitDepth)

Uses of AudioStream in ddf.minim.spi

Subinterfaces of AudioStream in ddf.minim.spi
 interface AudioRecording
 interface AudioRecordingStream

Methods in ddf.minim.spi that return AudioStream
 AudioStream MinimServiceProvider.getAudioInput(int type, int bufferSize, float sampleRate, int bitDepth)
          Should return an AudioStream with the requested parameters.

Methods in ddf.minim.spi with parameters of type AudioStream
 void AudioOut.setAudioStream(AudioStream stream)
          Sets the AudioStream that this output will use to generate sound.

Uses of AudioStream in ddf.minim.ugens

Constructors in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type AudioStream
LiveInput(AudioStream inputStream)
          Constructs a LiveInput that will read from inputStream.