Uses of Class

Packages that use AudioOutput

Uses of AudioOutput in ddf.minim

Methods in ddf.minim that return AudioOutput
 AudioOutput Minim.getLineOut()
          Gets an AudioOutput, to which you can attach AudioSignals and AudioEffects.
 AudioOutput Minim.getLineOut(int type)
          Gets an AudioOutput, to which you can attach AudioSignals and AudioEffects.
 AudioOutput Minim.getLineOut(int type, int bufferSize)
          Gets an AudioOutput, to which you can attach AudioSignals and AudioEffects.
 AudioOutput Minim.getLineOut(int type, int bufferSize, float sampleRate)
          Gets an AudioOutput, to which you can attach AudioSignals and AudioEffects.
 AudioOutput Minim.getLineOut(int type, int bufferSize, float sampleRate, int bitDepth)
          Gets an AudioOutput, to which you can attach AudioSignals and AudioEffects.

Uses of AudioOutput in ddf.minim.ugens

Methods in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type AudioOutput
 void UGen.patch(AudioOutput output)
          Patch the output of this UGen to the provided AudioOuput.
 void UGen.unpatch(AudioOutput output)
          Unpatch the output of this output from the provided AudioOutput.
 void Damp.unpatchAfterDamp(AudioOutput output)
          Tell the Damp that it should unpatch itself from the output after the release time.
 void ADSR.unpatchAfterRelease(AudioOutput output)
          Tell the ADSR that it should unpatch itself from the output after the release time.

Constructors in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type AudioOutput
DefaultInstrument(float frequency, AudioOutput output)
          Construct a default instrument that will play a note at the given frequency on the given output.
Summer(AudioOutput output)
          Don't use this constructor, it won't stay public.