Interface AudioEffect

All Known Implementing Classes:
BandPass, ChebFilter, Convolver, EffectsChain, HighPassSP, IIRFilter, LowPassFS, LowPassSP, NotchFilter

public interface AudioEffect

An AudioEffect is anything that can process one or two float arrays. Typically it is going to be some kind of time-based process because the float arrays passed to it will be consecutive chunks of audio data. The effect is expected to modify these arrays in such a way that the values remain in the range [-1, 1]. All of the effects included with Minim implement this interface and all you need to do to write your own effects is to create a class that implements this interface and then add an instance of it to an anything that is Effectable, such as an AudioOutput.

Damien Di Fede

Method Summary
 void process(float[] signal)
          Processes signal in some way.
 void process(float[] sigLeft, float[] sigRight)
          Processes sigLeft and sigRight in some way.

Method Detail


void process(float[] signal)
Processes signal in some way.

signal - an array of audio samples, representing a mono sound stream.


void process(float[] sigLeft,
             float[] sigRight)
Processes sigLeft and sigRight in some way.

sigLeft - an array of audio samples, representing the left channel of a stereo sound stream
sigRight - an array of audio samples, representing the right channel of a stereo sound stream