Uses of Class

Packages that use Wavetable

Uses of Wavetable in ddf.minim.ugens

Fields in ddf.minim.ugens declared as Wavetable
static Wavetable Waves.PHASOR
          A perfect phasor wave going from 0 to 1.
static Wavetable Waves.QUARTERPULSE
          A perfect square wave with a 25% duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.SAW
          A perfect sawtooth wave.
static Wavetable Waves.SINE
          A pure sine wave.
static Wavetable Waves.SQUARE
          A perfect square wave with a 50% duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.TRIANGLE
          A perfect triangle wave.

Methods in ddf.minim.ugens that return Wavetable
static Wavetable Waves.add(float[] amps, Wavetable... waves)
          Adds any number of Wavetables, each with their own amplitude
static Wavetable WavetableGenerator.gen10(int size, float[] amp)
          Generate a Wavetable given a list of amplitudes for successive partials (harmonics).
static Wavetable WavetableGenerator.gen7(int size, float[] val, int[] dist)
          Generate a piecewise linear waveform given an array of sample values and the distances between them.
static Wavetable WavetableGenerator.gen9(int size, float[] partial, float[] amp, float[] phase)
          Generates a Wavetable from a list of partials with matching amplitudes and phases.
static Wavetable Waves.pulse(float dutyCycle)
          Constructs a square wave with specficed duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.randomNHarms(int numberOfHarms)
          Constructs a wave from the first numberofHarms harmonics given random amplitudes.
static Wavetable Waves.randomNOddHarms(int numberOfHarms)
          Constructs a wave from the numberOfHarms even harmonics given random amplitudes.
static Wavetable Waves.randomNoise()
          Constructs a wavetable of noise
static Wavetable Waves.saw(float dutyCycle)
          Constructs a sawtooth wave with specficed duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.saw(int numberOfHarms)
          Builds a sawtooth wave from the first numberofHarms harmonics.
static Wavetable Waves.square(float dutyCycle)
          Constructs a square wave with specficed duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.square(int numberOfHarms)
          Builds a square wave from the first numberofHarms harmonics.
static Wavetable Waves.triangle(float dutyCycle)
          Constructs a triangle wave with specficed duty cycle.
static Wavetable Waves.triangle(int numberOfHarms)
          Builds a triangle wave from the first numberofHarms harmonics.

Methods in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type Wavetable
static Wavetable Waves.add(float[] amps, Wavetable... waves)
          Adds any number of Wavetables, each with their own amplitude

Constructors in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type Wavetable
WaveShaper(float outAmp, float mapAmp, Wavetable mapShape)
          Constructor for WaveShaper.
WaveShaper(float outAmp, float mapAmp, Wavetable mapShape, boolean wrapMap)
          Constructor for WaveShaper.
Wavetable(Wavetable wavetable)
          Make a new Wavetable that has the same waveform values as wavetable.