Uses of Class

Packages that use UGen.UGenInput

Uses of UGen.UGenInput in ddf.minim.effects

Fields in ddf.minim.effects declared as UGen.UGenInput
 UGen.UGenInput IIRFilter.cutoff

Uses of UGen.UGenInput in ddf.minim.ugens

Fields in ddf.minim.ugens declared as UGen.UGenInput
 UGen.UGenInput Oscil.amplitude
          Patch to this to control the amplitude of the oscillator with another UGen.
 UGen.UGenInput Multiplier.amplitude
          The amplitude input allows you to control the value being used for multiplying with another UGen.
          The default input is "audio."
          The audio input is where incoming audio should be patched, but you can simply patch to the Multiplier itself.
          The default input is "audio."
          The default input is "audio."
          The audio input is where incoming signals should be patched, however you do not need to patch directly to this input because patching to the Gain itself will accomplish the same thing.
          audio is the incoming audio
          The default input is "audio." You don't need to patch directly to this input, patching to the UGen itself will accomplish the same thing.
          The audio input is where audio that gets bit-crushed should be patched.
          The audio input is where audio comes in to be balanced.
          The default input is "audio."
You won't need to patch to this directly, since simply patching to the ADSR itself will achieve the same result.
 UGen.UGenInput Balance.balance
          The balance control should be driven by UGens that generate values in the range [-1, 1].
 UGen.UGenInput BitCrush.bitRes
          Control the bit resolution with another UGen by patching to bitRes.
 UGen.UGenInput Delay.delAmp
          delAmp is the strength of each repetition compared to the previous.
 UGen.UGenInput Delay.delTime
          delTime is the time for delay between repetitions.
 UGen.UGenInput Reciprocal.denominator
          denominator is the default input
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateSteady.fadeLen
          Controls the length of the fade in and fade out.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.fadeLenMax
          Controls the maximum length of the fade in and fade out.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.fadeLenMin
          Controls the minimum length of the fade in and fade out.
 UGen.UGenInput Oscil.frequency
          Patch to this to control the frequency of the oscillator with another UGen.
 UGen.UGenInput Gain.gain
          The gain input controls the value of this Gain.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateSteady.grainLen
          Controls the length of each grain.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.grainLenMax
          Controls the manimum length of each grain.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.grainLenMin
          Controls the minimum length of each grain.
 UGen.UGenInput WaveShaper.mapAmplitude
          The mapping amplitude of the input signal
 UGen.UGenInput Midi2Hz.midiNoteIn
          Patch something to this input that generates Midi note numbers (values in the range [0,127]
 UGen.UGenInput WaveShaper.outAmplitude
          The output amplitude
 UGen.UGenInput Pan.pan
          UGens patched to pan should generate values between -1 and +1.
 UGen.UGenInput Oscil.phase
          Patch to this to control the phase of the oscillator with another UGen.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateSteady.spaceLen
          Controls the space between each grain.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.spaceLenMax
          Controls the manimum space between each grain.
 UGen.UGenInput GranulateRandom.spaceLenMin
          Controls the minimum space between each grain.

Methods in ddf.minim.ugens with parameters of type UGen.UGenInput
 UGen UGen.patch(UGen.UGenInput connectToInput)
          Connect the output of this UGen to a specific input of connecToUGen.