Class Controller

  extended by ddf.minim.Controller
Direct Known Subclasses:
AudioSnippet, AudioSource

public class Controller
extends java.lang.Object

Controller is the base class of all Minim classes that deal with audio I/O. It provides control over the underlying DataLine, which is a low-level JavaSound class that talks directly to the audio hardware of the computer. This means that you can make changes to the audio without having to manipulate the samples directly. The downside to this is that when outputting sound to the system (such as with an AudioOutput), these changes will not be present in the samples made available to your program.

The volume(), gain(), pan(), and balance() methods return objects of type FloatControl, which is a class defined by the JavaSound API. A FloatControl represents a control of a line that holds a float value. This value has an associated maximum and minimum value (such as between -1 and 1 for pan), and also a unit type (such as dB for gain). You should refer to the FloatControl Javadoc for the full description of the methods available.

Not all controls are available on all objects. Before calling the methods mentioned above, you should call hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type) with the control type you want to use. Alternatively, you can use the get and set methods, which will simply do nothing if the control you are trying to manipulate is not available.

Damien Di Fede

Field Summary
static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type BALANCE
          The balance control type.
static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type GAIN
          The gain control type.
static javax.sound.sampled.BooleanControl.Type MUTE
          The mute control type.
static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type PAN
          The pan control type.
static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type SAMPLE_RATE
          The sample rate control type.
static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type VOLUME
          The volume control type.
Constructor Summary
Controller(javax.sound.sampled.Control[] cntrls)
          Constructs a Controller for the given Line.
Method Summary
 javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl balance()
          Gets the balance control for the Line, if it exists.
 javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl gain()
          Gets the gain control for the Line, if it exists.
 float getBalance()
          Returns the current balance of the line.
 javax.sound.sampled.Control getControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type type)
 javax.sound.sampled.Control[] getControls()
          Returns an array of all the available Controls for the DataLine being controlled.
 float getGain()
          Returns the current gain.
 float getPan()
          Returns the current pan value.
 float getVolume()
          Returns the current volume.
 boolean hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type type)
          Returns whether or not the particular control type is supported by the Line being controlled.
 boolean isMuted()
          Returns true if the line is muted.
 void mute()
          Mutes the line.
 javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl pan()
          Gets the pan control for the Line, if it exists.
 void printControls()
          Prints the available controls and their ranges to the console.
 void setBalance(float v)
          Sets the balance of the line to v.
 void setGain(float v)
          Sets the gain to v.
 void setPan(float v)
          Sets the pan of the line to v.
 void setVolume(float v)
          Sets the volume to v.
 void shiftBalance(float from, float to, int millis)
          Shifts the value of the balance from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.
 void shiftGain(float from, float to, int millis)
          Shifts the value of the gain from from to to in the space of millis
 void shiftPan(float from, float to, int millis)
          Shifts the value of the pan from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.
 void shiftVolume(float from, float to, int millis)
          Shifts the value of the volume from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.
 void unmute()
          Unmutes the line.
 javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl volume()
          Gets the volume control for the Line, if it exists.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type VOLUME
The volume control type.


public static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type GAIN
The gain control type.


public static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type BALANCE
The balance control type.


public static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type PAN
The pan control type.


public static javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl.Type SAMPLE_RATE
The sample rate control type.


public static javax.sound.sampled.BooleanControl.Type MUTE
The mute control type.

Constructor Detail


public Controller(javax.sound.sampled.Control[] cntrls)
Constructs a Controller for the given Line.

cntrls - an array of Controls that this Controller will manipulate
Method Detail


public void printControls()
Prints the available controls and their ranges to the console. Not all lines have all of the controls available on them so this is a way to find out what is available.


public boolean hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type type)
Returns whether or not the particular control type is supported by the Line being controlled.

true if the control is available
See Also:


public javax.sound.sampled.Control[] getControls()
Returns an array of all the available Controls for the DataLine being controlled. You can use this if you want to access the controls directly, rather than using the convenience methods provided by this class.

an array of all available controls


public javax.sound.sampled.Control getControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type type)


public javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl volume()
Gets the volume control for the Line, if it exists. You should check for the availability of a volume control by using hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type) before calling this method.

the volume control


public javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl gain()
Gets the gain control for the Line, if it exists. You should check for the availability of a gain control by using hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type) before calling this method.

the gain control


public javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl balance()
Gets the balance control for the Line, if it exists. You should check for the availability of a balance control by using hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type) before calling this method.

the balance control


public javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl pan()
Gets the pan control for the Line, if it exists. You should check for the availability of a pan control by using hasControl(javax.sound.sampled.Control.Type) before calling this method.

the pan control


public void mute()
Mutes the line.


public void unmute()
Unmutes the line.


public boolean isMuted()
Returns true if the line is muted.

the current mute state


public float getVolume()
Returns the current volume. If a volume control is not available, this returns 0. Note that the volume is not the same thing as the level() of an AudioBuffer!

the current volume or zero if a volume control is unavailable


public void setVolume(float v)
Sets the volume to v. If a volume control is not available, this does nothing.

v - the new value for the volume


public void shiftVolume(float from,
                        float to,
                        int millis)
Shifts the value of the volume from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.

from - the starting volume
to - the ending volume
millis - the length of the transition


public float getGain()
Returns the current gain. If a gain control is not available, this returns 0. Note that the gain is not the same thing as the level() of an AudioBuffer!

the current gain or zero if a gain control is unavailable


public void setGain(float v)
Sets the gain to v. If a gain control is not available, this does nothing.

v - the new value for the gain


public void shiftGain(float from,
                      float to,
                      int millis)
Shifts the value of the gain from from to to in the space of millis

from - the starting volume
to - the ending volume
millis - the length of the transition


public float getBalance()
Returns the current balance of the line. This will be in the range [-1, 1]. If a balance control is not available, this will do nothing.

the current balance or zero if a balance control is unavailable


public void setBalance(float v)
Sets the balance of the line to v. The provided value should be in the range [-1, 1]. If a balance control is not available, this will do nothing.

v - the new value for the balance


public void shiftBalance(float from,
                         float to,
                         int millis)
Shifts the value of the balance from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.

from - the starting volume
to - the ending volume
millis - the length of the transition


public float getPan()
Returns the current pan value. This will be in the range [-1, 1]. If the pan control is not available

the current pan or zero if a pan control is unavailable


public void setPan(float v)
Sets the pan of the line to v. The provided value should be in the range [-1, 1].

v - the new value for the pan


public void shiftPan(float from,
                     float to,
                     int millis)
Shifts the value of the pan from from to to in the space of millis milliseconds.

from - the starting pan
to - the ending pan
millis - the length of the transition