core | ugens | analysis




Creates an AudioSample using the provided sample data and AudioFormat. When a buffer size is not provided, it defaults to 1024. The buffer size of a sample controls the size of the left, right, and mix AudioBuffer fields of the returned AudioSample.


AudioSample createSample(float[] sampleData, AudioFormat format)
AudioSample createSample(float[] sampleData, AudioFormat format, int bufferSize)
AudioSample createSample(float[] leftSampleData, float[] rightSampleData, AudioFormat format)
AudioSample createSample(float[] leftSampleData, float[] rightSampleData, AudioFormat format, int bufferSize)


sampleData — float[]: the single channel of sample data
format — the AudioFormat describing the sample data
bufferSize — int: the output buffer size to use, which controls the size of the left, right, and mix AudioBuffer fields of the returned AudioSample.
leftSampleData — float[]: the left channel of the sample data
rightSampleData — float[]: the right channel of the sample data


an AudioSample that can be triggered to make sound




  * This sketch demonstrates how to use the <code>createSample</code> method of <code>Minim</code>. 
  * The <code>createSample</code> method allows you to create an <code>AudioSample</code> by provided 
  * either one or two float arrays, which are the sound you want be able to trigger. 
  * <p>
  * See the loadSample example for more information about <code>AudioSample</code>s.
  * <p>
  * Press 't' to trigger the sample.
  * <p>
  * For more information about Minim and additional features, visit

import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;
// we must import this package to create an AudioFormat object
import javax.sound.sampled.*;

Minim minim;
AudioSample wave;

void setup()
  size(512, 200, P3D);
  minim = new Minim(this);
  // we'll make a MONO sample, but there is also a version
  // of createSample that you can pass two float arrays to:
  // which will be used for the left and right channels
  // of a stereo sample.
  float[] samples = new float[1024*8];
  float waveFrequency  = 220f;
  float waveSampleRate = 44100f;
  // generate the sample by using Waves.SINE
  float lookUp = 0; 
  float lookUpStep = waveFrequency / waveSampleRate;
  for( int i = 0; i < samples.length; ++i )
     samples[i] = Waves.SINE.value(lookUp);  
     lookUp = (lookUp + lookUpStep) % 1.0f;
  // when we create a sample we need to provide an AudioFormat so 
  // the sound will be played back correctly.
  AudioFormat format = new AudioFormat( waveSampleRate, // sample rate
                                        16,    // sample size in bits
                                        1,     // channels
                                        true,  // signed
                                        true   // bigEndian
  // finally, create the AudioSample
  wave = minim.createSample( samples, // the samples
                             format,  // the format
                             1024     // the output buffer size

void draw()
  // use the mix buffer to draw the waveforms.
  for (int i = 0; i < wave.bufferSize() - 1; i++)
    line(i, 100 - wave.left.get(i)*50, i+1, 100 - wave.left.get(i+1)*50);

void keyPressed()
  if ( key == 't' ) 


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