core | ugens | analysis




Sets the amplitude of the ith frequency band to a. You can use this to shape the spectrum before using inverse().


void setBand(int i, float a)


i — int: the frequency band to modify
a — float: the new amplitude






 * This sketch demonstrates very simply how you might use the inverse FFT to modify an audio signal.<br />
 * Press 'f' to perform the forward FFT, then press 's' to set one of the frequency bands to 150.<br />
 * Now press 'd' to take the inverse FFT. You will see that the wave form now looks like two sine waves that have
 * been added together. In fact, this is exactly the case. The sine wave that has been added has the 
 * same frequency as the frequency band that we artificially changed the value of.<br />
 * <br />
 * You might wonder what the actual frequency added to the spectrum is.
 * That frequency is a fraction of the sampling rate, which can be found with the formula <b>f = i/N</b>
 * where <b>f</b> is the fraction of the sampling rate, <b>i</b> is the index of the frequency band, 
 * and <b>N</b> is the time-domain size of the FFT. In this case we have a 512 point FFT and we are 
 * changing the frequency band at index 20. So in our case <b>f = 20/512 = 0.0390625</b>
 * Our sampling rate is 44100 Hz, a value passed in the Sine constructor,
 * so the frequency in Hz that is being added to the spectrum is <b>44100 * 0.0390625 = 1722.65625 Hz</b>
 * <p>
 * For more information about Minim and additional features, visit

import ddf.minim.analysis.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;

FFT fft;
SineWave sine;
float[] buffer;
int bsize = 512;

void setup()
  size(512, 300, P3D);
  // create an FFT with a time-domain size the same as the size of buffer
  // it is required that these two values be the same
  // and also that the value is a power of two
  fft = new FFT(bsize, 44100);
  sine = new SineWave(600, 1, 44100);
  buffer = new float[bsize];
  // fill the buffer with a sine wave

void draw()
  fill(255, 128);
  // draw the waveform
  for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
    ellipse(i, 50 + buffer[i]*10, 2, 2);
  // draw the spectrum
  for(int i = 0; i < fft.specSize(); i++)
    line(i, height, i, height - fft.getBand(i));
  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  line(width/2, height, width/2, 0);

void keyReleased()
  if ( key == 'f' ) 
    println("Performing a Forward FFT on buffer.");
  if ( key == 'd' ) 
    println("Performing an Inverse FFT and putting the result in buffer.");
  if ( key == 's' )
    // by setting frequency band 20 to a high value, we are basically mixing in a sine wave at that frequency
    // after setting the frequency band and then taking the inverse FFT, you will see the waveform change
    println("Setting frequency band 20 to 150.");
    fft.setBand(20, 150);


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