core | ugens | analysis




Deactivate the bypass functionality. In other words, the wrapped UGen WILL have an effect on the UGen patched to this Bypass, as if it was in the signal chain in place of this Bypass.


void deactivate()






/* bypassExample<br/>
 * is an example of using the Bypass UGen in a continuous sound example.
 * Press the space bar to activate and deactivate the Bypass.
 * <p>
 * For more information about Minim and additional features, 
 * visit
 * <p>
 * author: Anderson Mills<br/>
 * Anderson Mills's work was supported by numediart (

// import everything necessary to make sound.
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.ugens.*;

// create all of the variables that will need to be accessed in
// more than one methods (setup(), draw(), stop()).
Minim         minim;
AudioOutput   out;
// the type in the angle brackets lets the program
// know the type that should be returned by the ugen method of Bypass
Bypass<Delay> bypassedDelay;

// setup is run once at the beginning
void setup()
  // initialize the drawing window
  size( 512, 200, P2D );

  // initialize the minim and out objects
  minim = new Minim(this);
  out = minim.getLineOut( Minim.MONO, 2048 );
  // initialize myDelay with continual feedback and no audio passthrough
  Delay myDelay = new Delay( 0.6, 0.9, true, true );
  // create a Bypass to wrap the Delay so we can turn it on and off
  bypassedDelay = new Bypass<Delay>( myDelay );
  // create the Blip that will be used
  Oscil myBlip = new Oscil( 245.0, 0.3, Waves.saw( 15 ) );
  // create an LFO to be used for an amplitude envelope
  Oscil myLFO = new Oscil( 1, 0.3, Waves.square( 0.95 ) );
  // offset the center value of the LFO so that it outputs 0 
  // for the long portion of the duty cycle
  myLFO.offset.setLastValue( 0.3f );

  myLFO.patch( myBlip.amplitude );
  // and the Blip is patched through the Bypass into the Summer.
  myBlip.patch( bypassedDelay ).patch( out );

// draw is run many times
void draw()
  // erase the window to dark grey
  background( 64 );
  // draw using a light gray stroke
  stroke( 192 );
  // draw the waveforms
  for( int i = 0; i < out.bufferSize() - 1; i++ )
    // find the x position of each buffer value
    float x1  =  map( i, 0, out.bufferSize(), 0, width );
    float x2  =  map( i+1, 0, out.bufferSize(), 0, width );
    // draw a line from one buffer position to the next for both channels
    line( x1, 50 + out.left.get(i)*50, x2, 50 + out.left.get(i+1)*50);
    line( x1, 150 + out.right.get(i)*50, x2, 150 + out.right.get(i+1)*50);
  if ( bypassedDelay.isActive() )
    text( "The Delay effect is bypassed.", 10, 15 );
    text( "The Delay effect is active.", 10, 15 );

void keyPressed()
  if ( key == ' ' )
    if ( bypassedDelay.isActive() ) 

// when the mouse is moved, change the delay parameters
void mouseMoved()
  // set the delay time by the horizontal location
  float delayTime = map( mouseX, 0, width, 0.0001, 0.5 );
  bypassedDelay.ugen().setDelTime( delayTime );
  // set the feedback factor by the vertical location
  float feedbackFactor = map( mouseY, 0, height, 0.0, 0.99 );
  bypassedDelay.ugen().setDelAmp( feedbackFactor );


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