core | ugens | analysis



AudioMetaData provides information commonly found in ID3 tags. However, other audio formats, such as Ogg, can contain similar information. So rather than refer to this information as ID3Tags or similar, we simply call it metadata. This base class returns the empty string or -1 from all methods and derived classes are expected to simply override the methods that they have information for. This is a little less brittle than using an interface because later on new properties can be added without breaking existing code.





 * Get Meta Data
 * by Damien Di Fede.
 * This sketch demonstrates how to use the <code>getMetaData</code> 
 * method of <code>AudioPlayer</code>. This method is also available 
 * for <code>AudioSnippet</code> and <code>AudioSample</code>. 
 * You should use this method when you want to retrieve metadata 
 * about a file that you have loaded, like ID3 tags from an mp3 file. 
 * If you load WAV file or other non-tagged file, most of the metadata 
 * will be empty, but you will still have information like the filename 
 * and the length.
 * <p>
 * For more information about Minim and additional features, 
 * visit 

import ddf.minim.*;

Minim minim;
AudioPlayer groove;
AudioMetaData meta;

void setup()
  size(512, 256, P2D);
  minim = new Minim(this);
  groove = minim.loadFile("groove.mp3");
  meta = groove.getMetaData();
  textFont(createFont("Serif", 12));

int ys = 25;
int yi = 15;

void draw()
  int y = ys;
  text("File Name: " + meta.fileName(), 5, y);
  text("Length (in milliseconds): " + meta.length(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Title: " + meta.title(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Author: " +, 5, y+=yi); 
  text("Album: " + meta.album(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Date: " +, 5, y+=yi);
  text("Comment: " + meta.comment(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Lyrics: " + meta.lyrics(), 5, y+=yi ); 
  text("Track: " + meta.track(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Genre: " + meta.genre(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Copyright: " + meta.copyright(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Disc: " + meta.disc(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Composer: " + meta.composer(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Orchestra: " + meta.orchestra(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Publisher: " + meta.publisher(), 5, y+=yi);
  text("Encoded: " + meta.encoded(), 5, y+=yi);


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